Paying monthly bills made easy. (SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Text, Monthly Bills Made Easy. A woman sorts through paper bills. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: Paying bills can be time consuming whether you're writing checks or clicking from website to website and entering payment information, but it doesn't have to be. (DESCRIPTION) Another woman types her credit card information into her laptop. (SPEECH) By setting up automatic payments once, you ensure your bills are paid on time month after month, even if you're traveling or too busy to sort through the mail. Just contact the companies that bill you monthly like streaming services, internet, utilities, insurance, and phone services and follow their process to set up automatic payments. (DESCRIPTION) A woman rides in the back of a car and looks at her phone. (SPEECH) You can set up your card for other businesses you use a lot too like ridesharing services, online shopping, and food delivery. It's an easy way to save time and avoid hassle, late fees, and reduce your risk of identity theft due to checks sitting in the mailbox. (DESCRIPTION) A man looks at his laptop. His credit score goes up. (SPEECH) On-time payment can even help improve your credit score. If your card offers rewards, build them faster with your recurring bills. It's so easy, you'll probably wish you'd switched a long time ago. Enroll today. (DESCRIPTION) A check mark next to the words, Monthly Bills.