
Sign up in Account Access to get notified of important changes in your account by email or text.

Keep your card secure with
three kinds of alerts:

  • Account Alerts

    Activity like posted transactions and bills.

  • Security Alerts

    Changes made to your personal information.

  • Fraud Alerts

    Suspicious activity involving your account.

Answers to the top questions

We offer three types of alerts. You can sign up for Account Alerts, Security Alerts and Fraud Alerts.

You can sign up to get an Account Alert by email or text when:

  • Your available credit falls below the amount you specify.
  • The balance of the credit card account exceeds the amount you specify.
  • Cash is withdrawn from an ATM using your enrolled credit card.
  • A transaction (a charge) has been authorized to the credit card account when the card is not presented, such as a purchase made via the web or over the phone.
  • A credit (like a refund from a store) is posted to the credit card account.
  • A debit (a charge) posted to the credit card account fulfills the criteria you specify. You may set up multiple Debit Posted alerts.
  • A transaction is declined.
  • Any purchase is made at a gas station.
  • The card's country code does not match the merchant’s country code.
  • A transaction (a charge) has been authorized to the credit card account based on the criteria you specify.
  • An autopayment is scheduled and when it processes to your account.
  • A credit card statement is available to be viewed online.
  • The credit card account's due date is 1 to 15 business days before the payment is due.
  • A payment becomes overdue on the credit card account.
  • A payment is posted to the credit card account.
  • You schedule, edit or cancel a payment.

You would get a Security Alert by email or text if there are:

  • Changes to your mail or email address.
  • Home or mobile phone number changes.
  • Online Banking Personal ID or Password changed.
  • Online Banking Personal ID and Password disabled due to multiple incorrect login attempts.
  • Login Assistance requested.
  • ID Shield set up or changed.

You would get a Fraud Alert by text when our fraud department spots suspicious activity on your account. You can then reply to the text to confirm or deny whether it’s your transaction.

Please note that for text alerts, standard messaging charges apply through your mobile carrier and message frequency depends on account settings.

You can activate and deactivate your Alerts by selecting the alert from the “Your Alerts” screen, choosing “Edit” then the “Inactive” or “Active” option.

Yes. Only the last four digits of your account number are sent in an Alert. However, if alerts are being sent to your mobile device and that device gets lost or stolen, you can set your alerts to “Inactive” to stop them temporarily.

You can choose a combination of up to three email addresses or mobile numbers for Account and Security Alerts (only mobile numbers for Fraud Alerts).

Check to make sure your email addresses and mobile numbers are correct.

Sometimes Internet providers deliver the alert to your “Bulk” email box. To ensure that you receive your emailed Alerts, please add us to your address book. If you continue to have problems, please call Cardmember Service at the number on the back of your card.

For Fraud Alerts, or other alerts you want to receive by text, make sure your mobile numbers are updated on the Contact Information page, and leave the text message box unchecked to enable two-way texting.

You can change your email address or mobile number for your Account Alerts by choosing to edit your alert and modifying the address. Please also make sure to update your contact information on the “Preferences” page to ensure you do not miss anything important.

You can deactivate your Account Alerts by selecting the alert from the “Your Alerts” screen then choosing “Edit,” then the “Inactive” option.

We strongly suggest that you close your browser immediately after reviewing your Alerts to ensure they are not viewed by anyone else.

Yes. You can view the history of the alerts that were sent to you up to 90 days by looking at the “Alert History” page.

If you signed up for Security Alerts, you will receive them whenever changes are made to your profile, login information or when you activate a card.

If you signed up for Fraud Alerts, you will receive a text whenever our experts spot something suspicious.

Account Alerts can be delivered multiple times a day to ensure you receive timely information regarding your accounts. When a transaction posts to your account; some of your transactions post to your account in real-time, while other transactions only post once a day. You can expect to receive alerts no later than one business day from the triggering event.

If you have any questions, please call Cardmember Service at the number on the back of your card.

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